Amniotic fluid, human
Products in category "Other Body Fluids"
Ascities fluid, human
Bronchial alveolar lavage fluid, human
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Cerebrospinal fluid, human, Albumin positive
Cerebrospinal fluid, human, IgG positive
Colostrum, human
Earwax, human
Gastric fluid
Human spent dialysate
Menstrual blood
Mother's milk / breast milk
Nasal fluid / mucus, human
Pericardial fluid, human
Peritoneal fluid, human
Placental fluid, human
Pleural fluid, human
Saliva, human
Saliva, human, drug positive
Semen/sperm, human
Seminal fluid/plasma, human
Spinal fluid, human
Synovial fluid, human
Tau-protein positive cerebrosponal fluid
Tears, human
Thoracocentesis fluid
Umbilical cord plasma
Umbilical cord red cells
Umbilical cord serum
Umbilical cord whole blood
Urine, 1st trimester
Urine, 2nd trimester
Urine, 3rd trimester
Urine, female, human
Urine, human
Urine, human, drug and ethanol free
Urine, human, drug free
Urine, human, drug positive
Urine, human, drug, ethanol, and nicotine free
Urine, human, type I diabetes
Urine, human, type II diabetes
Urine, male, human
Vaginal fluid, human
Vernix, human